
6 habits of instantly likable people


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Have you ever met someone and liked them immediately? Not in a romantic way, but in a connected, warm, “gosh, I’d love to have coffee with that person” way?

Some people are just likable. Others seem to think well of them without much effort on their part. And being likable can have its benefits, says Jenny Woo, founder and CEO of Mind Brain Emotion and creator of 52 Essential Relationship Skills, an emotional intelligence training game. “It does have a payoff, and it matters,” she says, noting that being likable helps you connect with others. When you can do that, you can communicate better and connect with people who are different from you, both of which can help you be more effective in the workplace.

But there’s a fine line between working on your likability and ease of connection versus people-pleasing, which can be detrimental, she adds. And it might not be surprising that likable people have some habits and traits that help them connect.

They are present

“The most likable people are not thinking about their likability,” says social interaction expert Patrick King, author of The Science of Likability: 27 Studies to Master Charisma, Attract Friends, Captivate People, and Take Advantage of Human Psychology. King says likable people are, instead, “present and just focused on the conversation, listening, and being curious about their conversation partner.” In other words, they are focused on creating a connection rather than their own impression or image management.

They give and share credit

In the workplace, Woo says likability increases when people give credit where it’s due. “It’s about sharing the spotlight,” she says. While someone might not be conventionally gregarious and outgoing or might have a difficult personality, giving credit to someone who worked on a project or came up with an idea makes them feel valued—and that goes a long way toward likability.

They are authentic

Showing up as who you truly are can enhance your likability, says executive coach J. Victor McGuire, founder of Coaching for Everyone, a nonprofit organization that offers affordable, high-quality coaching programs to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) individuals. “People are generally drawn to individuals who are genuine and who are transparent,” he says. “Coaches who are authentic in their interactions, for example, seem to be more trustworthy and relatable.” Authentic people may be seen as more trustworthy and reliable, too. 


https://images.fastcompany.com/image/upload/f_auto,c_fit,w_1920,q_auto/wp-cms-2/2024/04/p-1-91090371-habits-of-instantly-likable-people.jpg[Photo: Evheniia Vasylenko/Getty Images]



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2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. SaaniaSparkle 🧚🏻‍♀️
    Apr 27, 2024 @ 21:56:42




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