–Artist, Jason DeCaires Taylor

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“Vicissitudes” Underwater sculpture in Grenada in honor of African Ancestors who were thrown overboard…RIP

This is located in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Grenada under water… Pass it along so more people will know about this wonderful work of art in honor of those who perished so tragically. Artist, Jason DeCaires Taylor


“Comment from Viewer: Thanks! We appreciate your comments.
According to THE ARTIST:
1. “Vicissitudes depicts a circle of figures, all linked through holding hands. These are life-size casts taken from a group of children of diverse ethnic background. Circular in structure … the work both withstands strong currents and replicates one of the primary geometric shapes, evoking ideas of unity and continuum. … The sculpture proposes growth, chance, and natural transformation. It shows how time and environment impact on and shape the physical body. Children by nature are adaptive to their surroundings. Their use within the work highlights the importance of creating a sustainable and well-managed environment, a space for future generations.”
2. “Projects : T.A. Marryshow Community College
(depicts casts faces in the side of a large underwater stone)
In March 2007, a project was initiated with Helen Hayward of T.A. Marryshow Community College to produce a series of work for the Moliniere sculpture park.
Workshops were planned with A-level Art and Design students. Each student was required to produce a life cast of their face, to form an installation two metres deep around the shoreline of Moliniere Bay.
The project aimed to encourage local artists to contribute further works to the site and provide a arena for communities to appreciate and highlight the marine processes evident in their local environment.
The students were taught a range of skills including life-casting, cement casting and sculpting. The final pieces were installed by Jason on 25th April 2007.””


Gabrielle Smith – Comment on “Vicissitudes” posted on “The NUBLK”
[News] Artist Jason de Caires Taylor clarifies intention of Underwater sculptures in Grenada originally thought to be a tribute to slavery


We posted images of the underwater sculptures in Grenada by Jason de Caires Taylor. The pictures of the beautiful scenes of what was originally thought to be a tribute to fallen African slaves have been circulated on many websites. A few weeks ago I noticed that there were comments circulating that this indeed was not true and that the sculptures had nothing to do with slavery.
As a child of Grenadian parents, I was interested to find out the intention of the piece as the island of Grenada as with the majority of islands in the Caribbean have a very strong connection with the slave trade and you can still find remnants of this even today. It would be interesting to find out the discourse between the Grenadian government and the artist when they were first approached to have the sculptures placed there. After contacting the artist I received the following reply:
“It was never my intention to have any connection to the Middle passage, below is the original text. Although it was not my intention from the outset I am very encouraged how it has resonated differently within various communities and feel it is working as an art piece by questioning our identity, history and stimulating debate.”
– Jason de Caires Taylor
Although I do find it interesting that these particular sculptures were allowed to be placed on the island of Grenada I also have to respect the artists intention and commend the fact that now that he’s aware of what many take the sculptures to mean that he is now leaving the intention open to discussion.


.Click any image below to enter gallery (While in gallery click outside image or X in upper left corner to exit):

Underwater sculpture 1, “Vicissitudes” in Grenada, in honor of our African Ancestors who were thrown overboard the slave ships during the Middle Passage of the African Holocaust (see comments above).  Plus, Underwater sculptures 2,3 and 5 by artist Jason DeCaires Taylor


.Click link below for history of artist Jason DeCaires Taylor and his sculptures:

